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Pro Bono: A Hands-On Approach to Community Development
June 16, 2021
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The COVID-19 pandemic challenged New York City businesses, communities, institutions and society itself in many unexpected ways. COVID-related hospitalizations soared, unemployment skyrocketed, businesses shuttered and schools suspended in-class learning, leaving at-risk youth even more vulnerable to social and emotional distress.
As a way to refocus on community development following the pandemic, FTI Consulting partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City (BBBS of NYC), a non-profit dedicated to supporting one-to-one relationships between an adult mentor and a Youth. A team of FTI Consulting professionals worked to enhance the organization’s reporting capabilities and measurements of youth development.
Our Role
BBBS of NYC tasked FTI Consulting’s Corporate Finance & Restructuring Segment with two specific goals. First, they asked our team to analyze survey data they had been collecting (but had yet to evaluate or act upon) on the youth (referred to as “Littles”) within their program, and to develop a dynamic reporting dashboard from the data.
Second, they encouraged us to explore an expansive list of datasets available through New York City’s open database and consider ways to contextualize these metrics with survey results.
Our Impact
Through the partnership with BBBS of NYC, FTI Consulting was able to add a data-focused element to the way the organization evaluates the development of individual Littles and groups of children. The organization now has an additional method to identify potential issues, and implement specific solutions to address the potential problem, before it becomes even more difficult to manage.
This has also provided an excellent training and leadership opportunity for the FTI team – we have been able to take on additional responsibility and work on such an interesting topic that is outside of our traditional client engagement.” — Ryan McCormick, Director, Corporate Finance & Restructuring
Additionally, BBBS of NYC is now better prepared to demonstrate the efficacy of their programs, which will be beneficial when engaging with business partners and community leaders.
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June 16, 2021
Key Contacts
Senior Director