Digital Transformation of the Business and Digitalisation of Risk Management Brochure
September 17, 2020
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FTI Consulting puts data and analytics to work in first, second and third-line settings for banks, asset managers and insurers, helping them to achieve successful digitalization and digital transformation outcomes. We enable clients to solve once and for all the intractable data and analytics problems that hold back their digital projects. What sets FTI Consulting apart from competitors, is the depth of our data and analytics expertise. This is reinforced by unrivaled credentials in forensic data analysis and investigations.
Financial institutions, mirroring the broader economy, are digitalizing and digitally transforming to stay competitive. This trend has accelerated due to the human impact of COVID-19. Fast, effective, remote work modalities, to support delivery of financial products and services that are necessarily and fundamentally digitally transformed, are now necessities. But digital products and services are complex and data-intensive.
The skills and experience needed to successfully execute digital change are rare. They include mastery of the mathematics involved and adeptness with the technologies: big data, cloud, open-source tooling and code. These building blocks of digital change operate upon foundations of data and analytics. If the direct experience of the successful execution of these new methods and technologies is not present on your team, FTI Consulting can provide the support you need to ensure successful outcomes.
FTI Consulting’s digital data and analytics capabilities cover digital transformation of the business and digitalisation of risk management. We are typically engaged by C-levels, business heads, digital officers, data officers, transformation and change leaders, Chief Risk Officers and leaders of risk sub-functions, internal audit, and regulators.
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September 17, 2020
Key Contacts
Senior Managing Director, Leader of Asia Data & Analytics
Managing Director