Economic Impact of Health Service Sheet
November 02, 2022
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Economic prosperity and health are linked. Poor health challenges vitality and growth and reduces quality of life. Chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension contribute to increased utilization, medical and productivity costs, and losses for businesses and communities. Many business and civic leaders and local coalitions lack critical data to evaluate drivers, diagnose issues, set priorities and assess solutions and gains. The pandemic heightens urgency and opportunity for collective impact actions on health and health equity.
FTI Consulting’s Center brings advanced economic modeling, research-based methods and validated data sources to inform our analyses and to assist clients proactively to assess drivers of poor health, their individual and collective impact at community level, and opportunities and benefits from action.
The Center’s Analytical Framework for Collaborative Action
FTI Consulting’s Center has developed a research-based and staged framework using advanced economic modeling and supported by robust and actionable data to assist clients (business, collaboratives, health systems, health plans, government) to evaluate key health, health equity and impact issues in a community: What drives poor health? What is its impact? Which successful interventions/actions generate benefit? How do we implement solutions?
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November 02, 2022
Key Contacts
Senior Managing Director, President, Center for Healthcare Economics and Policy