Mining Sustainability In South Africa
February 04, 2020
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This report gives an overview of the pivotal role of South Africa in the global mining industry and how mining has supported South Africa’s industrial development by contributing to growth, investment, employment and foreign exchange.
In recent years, the South African mining industry has been in the doldrums and this has led commentators to ask whether the industry is now in a stage of ‘Sunrise or Sunset’?
We provide a framework for future sustainability for the industry. This framework sets out questions and possible responses on growth, costs, risks, capabilities, and license to operate.
Reserves and Production
South Africa is a leader and a pivotal player in the world's mining sector, attracting both international and South African investors and mining companies. The country has a mineral reserve valued at US$2.5 trillion and estimated to have the world's fifth largest mining sector in terms of GDP value.
Reserves are mainly in the north east of the country covering multiple provinces such as Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, North West Provinces and Free State. The country's mining industry is a world leader in many respects - producing literal ground-breaking technical advancements as well as world-class mineral research and development.
Multiple Commodities for Domestic and Export Markets
South Africa produces several commodities such as coal, platinum group metals, gold and iron ore. The total sales value of commodities was R432.5 billion in 2018.
February 04, 2020
Key Contacts
Senior Managing Director, Head of South Africa Business Transformation
Managing Director, Head of South Africa Strategic Communications