Are You Ready to Report on Your HHS Stimulus Receipts?
Reporting Readiness and Audit Support
September 16, 2021
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Compliant reporting on Health & Human Services Provider Relief Funds (HHS PRF), both general and targeted, requires planning and attention to detail — the reporting criteria are generally the same each six months, but the dollar amounts, timeframes and guidance can change from reporting period to reporting period. FTI Consulting’s experts guide clients on how to navigate data collection and aggregation, what to look out for, how to identify which money is applicable to reporting, and how to report through the portal.
Case Study Critical Access Hospital
FTI Consulting experts partnered with a critical access hospital to quantify COVID-19 related expenses and lost revenues applicable against HHS Provider Relief Funds the hospital received. We also navigated the organization through an audit of their original submission and how to properly self-report in future periods.
Our Role
FTI Consulting professionals partnered with the client to gather and identify COVID-19 related care costs through data mining and analyzing data sets from the organization’s financial and billing systems and cost report. Our team also calculated applicable unreimbursed lost-revenue calculations for non-Medicare payor sources. Finally, we provided detailed training on how to self-report through the HHS portal and guided the organization through the current audit.
Our Impact
The FTI Consulting team identified approximately $2 million in deductions for the client, which had originally anticipated returning all $5 million in HHS PRF funds.
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September 16, 2021