The Spam Act in Australia
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22 décembre 2023
The Spam Act regulates how companies may send marketing messages via email or SMS in Australia. As a result of increased spam activity, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (“ACMA”), which regulates the Spam Act, has been conducting more investigations, issuing fines, and forcing companies into enforceable undertakings. The ACMA is also asking companies to engage independent experts to assess the way that they comply with the Spam Act. This involves analysing their systems, policies and processes to ensure that they are sending marketing emails or SMSs with the consent of their customers.
In this video, information governance experts Chris Hatfield and Tim de Sousa explore how the ACMA is cracking down on compliance and data management. Watch the video to learn how our team helps companies uplift policies and comply with the Spam Act.
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22 décembre 2023