SWIFT Customer Security Programme Provider Service Sheet
Cybersecurity & Communications Services
October 25, 2022
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Every year, SWIFT users around the world are required to demonstrate their level of compliance against SWIFT’s Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF). Compliance attestations are required to be independently assessed through an external assessment. Further, as regulatory frameworks evolve, SWIFT users are expected, by their counterparties, regulators, and the global SWIFT community to be prepared for cyber incidents and aid in the prevention of cyber-related fraud. FTI Consulting is a global leading provider of independent cyber, risk, and communications management advisory services and an approved SWIFT Customer Security Programme (CSP) provider.
SWIFT is critical to the global financial infrastructure and to the stability of the global financial system. Adhering to compliance standards is minimally what organizations should do to protect their assets and those of their customers; however, compliance alone does not address new threats. With a continually shifting geopolitical environment and ever-evolving threat landscape, the SWIFT community must adopt the highest security and preparedness standards at their disposal.
Our experts perform a thorough review of security policies and procedures relevant to your own SWIFT architecture; conduct interviews with staff to understand how security policies, processes, and procedures are implemented, managed, and enforced; and administer a gap assessment of existing security controls as compared to SWIFT’s CSCF. We assist you in determining the appropriate remediation efforts to ensure controls are compliant with the objectives of the latest SWIFT CSP iteration.
October 25, 2022
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