Unlocking ESG Data Transparency with Artificial Intelligence
May 23, 2022
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Banks and financial institutions are in the frontline of internal and external ESG risk management. In an article for The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers magazine Banking Today, our experts John Collins (Managing Director, Data & Analytics), Jason Ho (Asia Leader, Capital Solutions), Rod Francis (Asia Leader, Financial Crime Compliance) and Kyran McCarthy (Asia Leader, Managed Services) outline how AI is an invaluable ally to help interpret the relevant data and information.
This is an extract from Banking Today, first published in the March/April 2022 edition. The whole publication is available at https://www.hkib.org/page/218
“Banks and financial institutions are in the frontline of internal and external environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk management. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an invaluable ally to help interpret the relevant data and information.
The pressure on corporations to live up to ESG principles has risen dramatically over the last decade. Employees, investors, regulators and suppliers scrutinise a business statements and actions for evidence of doing the right thing in a range of areas that include climate change, human rights and anti-corruption. When a corporation is also a bank or financial institution, that only ramps up the attention. Naturally, people will be concerned about a company’s conduct.”
This article was originally published in the March/April 2022 edition of Banking Today, the official magazine of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers.
May 23, 2022