Untangling the Knots: Navigating Disputes Arising From Complex Financial Instruments
July 14, 2023
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This article from Global Arbitration Review was first published May 26, 2023. The entire publication is available at: https://globalarbitrationreview.com/review/the-asia-pacific-arbitration-review/2024/article/untangling-the-knots-navigating-disputes-arising-complex-financial-instruments
Complex financial instruments present a myriad of risks and uncertainties, posing challenges even for seasoned traders and investors. Their complex nature and susceptibility to unforeseen losses often lead to disputes. Resolving these disputes effectively requires leveraging expertise in several key areas, including understanding the financial instruments involved, assessing market conditions around the dispute, comprehending industry practices, evaluating risk management and valuation methods specific to these instruments, and considering the pertinent legal and regulatory frameworks.
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd.
July 14, 2023
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