Valuation & Damages
How we can help
Companies are regularly faced with the need to value assets, whether in transactional, regulatory, tax or accounting contexts, or in relation to legal disputes and damages claims.
Our multidisciplinary valuation team includes specialists in accounting and in financial and economic analysis. The team undertakes the design and construction of complex financial models to complement its recognised valuation expertise.
How We Help
Our experts support clients in valuing all asset categories (company securities, financial instruments, intangible assets, contracts etc.). This support includes the preparation of objective and thoroughly documented reports.
Our multi-criteria approach draws on a range of valuation methods to suit the context and the information available. These include:
- Income-based approaches, using projections of future activity relating to the asset to be valued (discounted cash flow or DCF)
- Market-based approaches, using prices observed during transactions involving comparable assets (stock market or transaction multiples) or during historical transactions involving the asset to be valued
- Cost-based approaches
Our experts also apply specialised valuation methods, such as real options valuation, when warranted.
We typically conduct in-depth discussions with our clients and industry experts to ensure that our analyses reflect the company’s strategy and industry outlook. Financial databases help us to identify comparable listed traded companies and transactions on comparable assets, and to assess the discount rate applicable to the future cash flows of the company or project.
Situations where we are asked to help with valuations include:
- Company valuations
- Project valuations
- Valuations of intangible assets (patents, trademarks, etc.)
- Damages assessments
- Fairness opinions